JDBC source connector modes#

JDBC source connector extracts data from a relational database, such as PostgreSQL® or MySQL, and pushes it to Apache Kafka® where can be transformed and read by multiple consumers. The details of the connector are covered in the Aiven JDBC source connector GitHub documentation.

This connector type periodically queries the table(s) to extract the data, and can be configured in four modes.

Bulk mode#

In bulk mode the connector will periodically query the full table retrieving all the rows and publishing them into the Apache Kafka topic. Thus, if the source table contains 100.000 rows, the connector will insert 100.000 new messages in the Apache Kafka topic for every poll, no matter how many rows in the database are new or stale.


Since the bulk mode replicates the whole table content into the Apache Kafka topic at every poll, it’s a suitable option only for tables with limited amount of data which don’t have any incremental or timestamp column.

Incrementing mode#

Using the incrementing mode, the connector will query the table and append a WHERE condition based on an incrementing column in order to fetch new rows. The incrementing mode requires that a column containing an always growing number (like a series) is present in the source table. The incrementing column is used to check which rows have been added since last query.


The column name is passed via the incrementing.column.name parameter

If for example the database students table contains the following entries:




Jon Doe


Mary English


Carol Tunder

The column student_id can be used as an incremental column. On the first poll, the Apache Kafka connector will select all rows from the table and record the maximum student_id value in the table (3 in the above example).

The following polls will append a WHERE condition to the query selecting only rows with student_id greater than the previously recorded maximum value. In the example below, the condition will be WHERE student_id > 3. If the new records are available in the table, then the highest value for the incremental column is stored, and used as filter for the following polls.




Jon Doe


Mary English


Carol Tunder


Sam Cricket

In the case above, where a new row for Sam Cricket is added, a new record will be sent to the Apache Kafka topic, and the maximum student_id value will be updated to 6 and used in WHERE condition in the next polls.


With the incremental mode, any change which doesn’t generate rows with an id higher than the maximum recorded in the previous poll will not be detected. E.g. updating the student_name without changing the student_id will not generate any new records in Apache Kafka.

Timestamp mode#

Using the timestamp mode, the connector will query the table appending a WHERE condition based on one or more timestamp columns. This requires that timestamps columns (like creation date and modification date) are present for every row.

In cases of two columns (e.g. creation_date and modification_date) the polling query will apply the COALESCENCE function, parsing the value of the second column only when the first column is null.


The timestamp column(s) is passed via the timestamp.column.name parameter.

If, for example, the database students table contains the following entries:






Jon Doe



Mary English




Carol Tunder



The columns created_date and modified_date can be used as timestamp columns. On the first poll, the Kafka connector will select all rows from the table and record the value in the modified_date and created_date columns (2021-04-06 in the above example).

The following polls will append a WHERE condition to the query selecting only rows with modified_date or created_date greater than the previously recorded maximum value using the COALESCENCE function. In the example below, the condition will be:

WHERE COALESCENCE(modified_date, created_date) > '2021-04-06'

If new records with more recent modified_date or created_date are available in the table, then the highest value for the timestamp columns is stored, and used as filter for the following polls.


With the timestamp mode, any change which doesn’t generate a more recent timestamp than the maximum recorded in the previous poll will not be detected. E.g. updating the Jon Doe’s modified_date to 2021-04-03 will not be captured since a more recent date (2021-04-06) was already recorded in the previous poll.

Timestamp and incrementing mode#

Using the timestamp+incrementing mode, Kafka connect implements both the incrementing and timestamp functionalities described above.


The incremental column name is passed via the incrementing.column.name and the timestamp column(s) is passed via the timestamp.column.name parameter.

Check out the Aiven JDBC source connector GitHub documentation for more information.