Create alerts with OpenSearch® Dashboards#

OpenSearch® alerting feature sends notifications when data from one or more indices meets certain conditions that can be customized. Use case examples are such as monitoring for HTTP status code 503, CPU load average above certain percentage or watch for counts of a specific keyword in logs for a specific amount of interval, notification to be configured to be sent via email, slack or custom webhooks and other destination.

In the following example we are using Slack as the destination and a sample-host-health index as datasource to create a simple alert to check cpu load. An action will be triggered when average of cpu_usage_percentage over 3 minutes is above 75%.

Create using Dashboards UI#

In order to create an alert via OpenSearch Dashboards interface, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console and select your OpenSearch service.

  2. On the service’s Overview screen, in the Connection information section and select the OpenSearch Dashboards tab.

    This opens the OpenSearch Dashboard

  3. Within the OpenSearch Dashboard, access the left side panel and select Alerting under the OpenSearch Plugins section.

To configure each alert the following needs to be created, we will walk-through configuration of each section.

  • Destination

  • Monitor

  • Data source

  • Query

  • Trigger

Create a destination#

Destination is a location for notifications to be delivered when an action is triggered.

  1. Open the Destination tab and click on Add destination

  2. Fill in the fields under Destination

    Fill slack-test as the Name

    Select Slack under Type

    Paste your slack webhook here https://your_slack_webhook_URL under Webhook URL


Destination Type can be: Amazon Chime, Slack, Custom webhook or Email


  • When using email you need to have a SMTP server configured for a valid domain to deliver email notifications

Configure authentication for email destination#

This section shows how to authenticate the sender account before sending email messages. To authenticate when sending emails, the credentials need to be added first to the OpenSearch keystore. Perform this step before configuring an email destination that requires authentication.

  1. In Overview screen of your OpenSearch service, scroll to the Advanced configuration section.

  2. Select Change and +Add configuration option.

  3. Select the following configuration options and provide the corresponding details for each field:

    • email_sender_name

    • email_sender_username

    • email_sender_password

    At the end of this step the email account credentials will be added to the OpenSearch keystore. That is, the steps-by-step procedure that follows need to be completed in OpenSearch Dashboards.

  4. Select Save advanced configuration.

  5. Open the Destination tab in the OpenSearch Dashboard and select Add destination.

  6. Fill in the fields under Destination

    Fill email-test as the Name

    Select Email under Type

    In this step we assume that no senders exist yet. So, click first on Manage Senders, then click on New sender link.

    Assign a name to the sender. Please note that this name should match the property email_sender_name from step 1.

    Fill in the information required by the form and select SSL or TLS in Encryption method.

  7. Lastly you need to complete the form with the recipients, by creating email groups in Manage email groups if necessary.

Create a monitor#

Monitor is a job that runs on a defined schedule and queries OpenSearch indices.

  1. Open the Monitors tab and click on Create monitor

  2. Fill in the fields under Monitor details

    Fill High CPU Monitor into Monitor name

    Select Per query monitor as the Monitor type

    Select Visual editor as the Monitor defining method

    Select By interval under Schedule Frequency

    Under Run every select 1 Minutes


Schedule Frequency can be By internal, Daily Weekly Monthly, Custom CRON expression.

  1. Fill in the fields under Data source

    Data source is the OpenSearch indices to query.

    Fill sample-host-health into index

    Fill timestamp into Time field

  2. Query

    Query defines the fields to query from indices and how to evaluate the results.

    Under Metrics click on Add metric

    Select average() under Aggregation and cpu_usage_percentage under Field, click on Save

    Fill 3 under Time range for the last and select minutes

Create a trigger#

Triggers is a defined conditions from the queries results from monitor. If conditions are met, alerts are generated.

  1. Select Add trigger

    Fill high_cpu as the Trigger name

    Select 1 (Highest) for Severity level

    Under Trigger condition select IS ABOVE from the drop-down menu and fill 75 into the number field


You can see a visual graph below trigger with the index data and the trigger condition you have defined as a red line

  1. Fill in the fields under Actions

    Actions defines the destination for notification alerts when trigger conditions are met.

    Fill in slack as Action name

    Select slack-test under Destination

    Fill in High CPU Test Alert as Message subject


Multiple Actions can be defined, in this example we will define one action to send notification to destination we have defined in step 4

Alert message#

Message can be adjusted as needed, check Message Preview to see the sample and use Send test message to validate notification delivery

Select Create and your monitor is ready!